Law of cause and effect

 Law of cause and effect

When we study the law of universal attraction, we must understand that the action we take is commensurate with the result we receive. That is, karma and the result of karma. When we think about something often, we are attracted to it. A thought is a vibration wave. The universe responds to us with a shock wave that coincides with the shock wave we emit. Different things are attracted to us according to what we often think. What is clear from this is that we get results according to what we give to the universe.

You get more energy from working hard for that purpose than you get from what we think. This is called the Law of Action. This law explains not only thinking but also working hard for it. Therefore, if we are to expect good things from the universe, we must also think carefully about our day-to-day activities.

Humans, animals, animals, plants, and everything on earth belong to the universe. The universe is bound to treat you the way you treat the universe.

If you practice things that are bad for others and for nature, you will be attracted to similar bad things. If you treat all animals and nature well, good things will be attracted to you. This is the Law of cause and effect.

Another important point is that if we are attracted to what we give to the universe by a thought, what we give to the universe by action is naturally attracted to us. That is, you get what you give to someone else or to nature.

If you want love, give love to others. If you want respect, you must respect others and nature. If you want to improve your learning, impart knowledge and books to others. If you need money, give as much as you can. Understand that all human beings belong to nature. This is what you give to the universe. The universe will give you back the same thing as a result of what you give. Understand this as karma and the result of karma. (Law of cause and effect).

Keep in mind that the law of universal attraction believes that karma sometimes delays in its execution, but that it does occur at the right time. From now on, when you go to achieve what you want in your life, make up your mind to give as many similar things as you can. If it is not possible to give physically, then giving can be done by imagining the mind. That way your target will be easily attracted to you.

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