The attack is the deadliest school shooting in Texas history

 Tragic incident in Texas. At least eighteen young children, as well as a staff member, were killed in an attack on Robb

Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, United States on Tuesday. There are conflicting reports on

the exact number of staff killed, although figures on Tuesday night ranged from one to three


An 18-year-old gunman is suspected to be the lone perpetrator of the intrusion and subsequent

attack. Texas Governor Greg Abbott identified the suspected attacker as Salvador Ramos,

adding that Ramos had murdered his grandmother before embarking to commit the attack.

Abbott stated that Ramos drove and then abandoned his vehicle nearby the school, then entered

the building armed with a handgun and possibly a rifle. WOAI-TV and NPR both reported that

Ramos was killed by police officers.

The attack is the deadliest school shooting in Texas history. It is also the deadliest attack on an

elementary school in the United States since the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

in 2012, where 20 children and six faculty were killed. At the time, the Sandy Hook shooting

sparked national debate on gun rights and gun control.

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