10Tips to Save the Kitchen in These Crisis Times

 10 Tips to Save the Kitchen in These Crisis Times

 Needless to say, strange. This is a difficult time for anyone. So it is very important for us to manage the kitchen as we have to live a busy life. Today we are going to tell you how we can be a little more frugal these days

01. Vegetables

Instead of bringing vegetables and putting them in the fridge, wash the vegetables thoroughly and put them in packets or boxes. If you like, cut them and put them in ziplock bags and put them in the fridge. Cut the green chillies and put them in a box and put them in the fridge. Wash the curry leaves well and put the leaves in a box and put them in the fridge. Can be kept for a month.

02. Article

Once there is no gas, apply garden fish oil and light the stove and cook quickly. Those that are cooked in the same pot can be removed and those who have the same pot on the stove can cook quickly. Because clay pots take a while to heat up. If you can make an alternative like wood, kerosene stove, powder stove because there is no gas, it will be very useful for you.

03. Only rice in the rice cooker

Put the rice in the rice cooker, put the steamer on top and put the vegetables on it and put it in a pot to boil. Then you can put milk or oil on the stove and make curries quickly. Even eggs can be boiled in a steamer. If you can't make a wood stove, first make some curries in the rice cooker and finally make the rice. Rice cooker says we can make this a multi cooker.

04. Bulk Cooking

The best time to do bulk cooking. You can save on fire, oil and three. Prepare the food you need for the week once and put it in jars and freeze it. You can make chutney, sourdough and pickles and put them in bottles.

05. A little bit of coconut powder

If you are a coconut squeezer, you can add a little coconut powder and a little coconut oil and let it sit. The kitchen floor can be cleaned with the remaining coconut powder.

06. Remaining rice

Keep the remaining rice dry. Aggala or tea can be prepared at the right time. From time to time, excess jaggery, bread, and lime can be dried to make salt and other foods, and can be used when food is scarce.

07. Milk powder

Minimize the use of milk powder. Instead, try natural drinks for your children. Change the healthy ingredients like Ranawara, Barley, Belimal, Avocado Tea from day to day.

08. Dishwash Handwash:

Once the dishwash is done, add water in a ratio of 1: 6 and pour into small bottles and discard. Take when needed. Handwashes can do the same. Check the volume and add water.

09. Soap bar 🚫🚫🚫

Cut the soap bar into 4 pieces and use. Attach a tonic cap to one side of the bar of soap so that it does not dissolve in water. Place the bar of soap in a watertight cup. Apply the melted soap peel to the new bar of soap.

10. Pot dishwasher

Keep washing dishes once a day. Water, soap left over. Before washing oily dishes, add about 3 tablespoons of vinegar to hot water and set the dishes aside. The oil can be removed quickly. Keep a separate brush for the razor blades.

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