Unfair history

The Indo-Iranians invaded the Indian subcontinent systematically and successfully about 4,000 years ago. They started the "caste system" to bridge the gap between these invaders and the natives who were already living in India.

Initially, the caste system was divided into three parts. The rulers, the common people and the lower castes or the part we can describe as slaves. Indigenous peoples became the lowest caste without slaves.

The rulers took possession of wealth, power and got the best of the land. What was left of the rulers went to the common people. When the lower caste slaves cried out about this, they were beaten.

This caste system determined the jobs that people should do, where they should live, how they should get married and how the future of their children should be decided. There was an opinion in the society that the castes should not be mixed. The caste system was justified on the basis of pagan ideas and religion. For example, the story of how Mahabambu created the world and how different castes were created. Usually people do not argue or fight about laws that are brought in the name of divinity or religion.

In India, it has been studied that the caste system started in three layers and later expanded to about 3000 castes. People who tried to break away or mix with the caste system were marginalized and segregated from society. The lower castes looked at these people with contempt. In India, such individuals are known as outcasts or intouchables.

Similar social strata and gaps existed and still exist in different countries and different provinces not only in India but all over the world. In countries where there is no caste system, such divisions arose on the basis of skin color and body shape. At present these divisions have been reduced somewhat by democratic ideas. But instead of such traditional methods, this social contradiction between the rich and the poor still persists. No one questions that.

There is no doubt that the hard worker should be rich. But in today's world most of the rich are the ones who have acquired wealth from their generation and not the ones who have worked hard for themselves. The children of the rich get the best food, clothing, education and health care and the poor do not have access to them. Children of the lower classes do not have the opportunities, friends and experiences that the children of the rich have. Therefore, it is very difficult for a poor person to become rich without getting rid of this system. It's like getting rid of the caste system.

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