Crafting Distinctive Articles in 9 Simple Steps


Simplify Your Subject

Start by condensing your topic into a single core word. For instance, if your aim is to write about "Study Skills," narrow it down to "School." Then, brainstorm everything related to School. When your initial ideas run dry, employ open-ended questions like:

What did I enjoy about school?

What frightened me?

What do I wish I had known from Day 1?

This approach immerses you in the mindset of individuals grappling with various school-related concerns, helping you grasp their worries and issues.

Refocus Your Attention

Once you've explored your readers' general sentiments, refocus on your original Study Skills topic. From this new viewpoint, consider the questions you'd ask or the information you'd seek. Is the issue truly about studying, or does it encompass aspects like time management, working without distractions, or coping with performance anxiety?

Embody Your Audience

Write each question on separate sheets of paper, striving for a minimum of ten questions, if not more. Stay attuned to your readers' perspectives until you believe you've addressed all their significant concerns.

Step Back

Set aside your stack of questions for a few hours, ideally overnight. Avoid deliberate contemplation; go about your daily routine as usual. Give your subconscious time to process these questions without further intervention. If fresh inquiries arise, jot them down and set them aside as well.

Put Pen to Paper

When you're ready, sit down with your pages of questions and start answering them. Handwriting your responses can unlock ideas that may elude you when typing. At this stage, refrain from heavy editing. Utilizing Speech-to-Text software or a digital recorder can help bypass your inner editor. Imagine someone seeking advice sitting before you and converse naturally in a question-and-answer format.

Light Editing

Trust your initial instincts. Proofread and correct obvious errors, but refrain from substantial editing until your work has had time to "rest." Leaving it for the night can provide a fresh perspective upon your return. Even if time constraints prevent this, ensure you take a break before editing. Writing several articles in one sitting can create enough mental shift to distance you from the one you've just written.

Polish It

If you've followed the previous steps, short articles should require minimal editing. They should flow smoothly, with each Q&A on a separate sheet for easy selection. Your task now is to arrange them logically, ensuring coherence and a seamless transition between questions and answers.

Introduction and Conclusion

Begin with a brief introductory paragraph to entice readers into the main article. As many article directories use the first paragraph in RSS feeds, ensure your primary keywords appear here. Write a concluding paragraph summarizing key points and suggesting further exploration for the reader. Don't forget your resource box: use the format <a href=""></a> for your link, so it becomes live when the article is converted to HTML.

Submission Time!

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