"The Arrival of a Newborn: Surprising Feats of Infants that Delight New Parents


The birth of a baby brings immense excitement to new parents' lives. While infants may appear fragile and vulnerable, they possess some astonishing abilities that often amuse and delight those around them.

Here are several remarkable things that most babies can do:

  1. Exceptional Hearing: Babies possess extraordinary auditory capabilities. They can perceive up to 20,000 vibrations per minute, a significant contrast to the 14,000 vibrations adults can detect. This heightened hearing begins as early as the 24th week of pregnancy when the fetus reacts to sounds. Just a week after birth, babies can easily distinguish their mother's voice from others.

  2. Language Discrimination: Babies rely on mimicry when distinguishing between their mother tongue and a foreign language. An intriguing test conducted in the USA involved showing babies a videotape recorded in English without sound and then another tape recorded in French without sound. Surprisingly, babies exhibited a greater interest in the French videotape, finding it more familiar than their native English tape. Unfortunately, this ability diminishes after six months of age.

  3. Hand Gestures: Research has revealed that babies exposed to sign language during their early development attempt to communicate using hand gestures. Similar to the process of learning foreign languages, they start with slow and unsteady attempts to express themselves through hand movements.

  4. Observational Understanding: Even before babies can speak, they demonstrate an understanding of language by observing facial expressions and gestures of those around them. This early ability to comprehend non-verbal cues can be quite surprising to parents.

  5. Rapid Learning: Contrary to the notion that babies are too young to grasp complex concepts, researchers have found that their learning abilities are most effective at around six months of age. They possess a remarkable capacity for learning and understanding.

  6. Resemblance to Fathers: During the initial days of life, newborns often bear a resemblance to their fathers. This amusing phenomenon has evolved as a natural trick played by nature to ensure that fathers, even before genetic testing, can easily recognize and care for their offspring and their mothers.

  7. Intuitive Math: Some babies, even if they don't yet know how to perform mathematical calculations, exhibit an intuitive understanding of basic math concepts. They can provide correct answers to simple arithmetic problems, showcasing their inherent mathematical intuition.

  8. Facial Recognition: Unlike adults who may struggle to distinguish between similar-looking human faces, babies excel at recognizing facial differences. However, this ability tends to diminish over time.

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