Beggar's Theory

 Do you often have distressing, depressing thoughts in your mind?

No matter how much you dislike that thought, can it never stop coming?

So do you suffer mentally ???

Are you scared or sad for no reason ???

I would call it a simple mental exercise.

I call this the "Beggar's Theory" ...

Imagine that one day a beggar came to your house. Suppose you had money then and felt sorry for the beggar and gave him Rs.50.

Here comes this man on the second day too !!

Even then you gave Rs.

What are you doing to stop this now?

When the beggar comes one day and knocks on the door of the house, he does not seem to hear / does not react at all. The beggar leaves after a while. The next day he comes back. Come and knock on the gate. There is no reaction from you even then. After a while he leaves. So he comes in a few days. Knock on the gate. There is no reaction from you. After that the beggar will stop coming. Because there is no reaction from you.

That's the theory we used to do when we have a stressful, annoying thought in our mind.

Let that thought come to mind. See how it comes to mind. See how it comes. You look at that thought empty-handed. Do not be afraid of that thought, do not be sad. That means do not count that thought, do not go to respond to it. If you react to it, that thought comes to mind again and again. No matter how oppressive and depressing it may be, do not react to it in any way like fear or sadness. Look at those thoughts that come to mind. At first it will be a little difficult to do this. Because this coming thought can be very stressful and unhappy. So practice a little bit. You will not feel sad or depressed. You will feel that it is just a thought that comes to your mind. So you will not stop reacting to that thought because it will gradually stop coming to your mind.

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