Do you agree that there are seven billion radio broadcasting instances in the world?

 Do you agree that there are seven billion radio broadcasting instances in the world?

Our brain is like a radio instance that we are constantly transmitting data. broadcasting.

Just think, how many times have you blinked your eyes right now? How many inhalations and exhalations did you make? How long has your pulse been beating? These are not things you did on purpose. We can not control the rate of our heart on purpose ..... but do those things yourself.

How can that be? Nothing is not something we do on purpose. This is how it happens. All of this happens with our subconscious. with the unconscious mind. Our brain works from our unconscious mind.

Our brain can process billions of data per second. This happens with our unconscious mind. Our upper mind can only transmit about forty pieces of data per second.

So we've been talking about the whole law of attraction here. About how to deal with the subconscious. Every second our brain broadcasts 20 billion pieces of information ...... that is, we unknowingly release our emotion, data, information into the universe.

One of the things that often charges a lot is thinking about what we have right now. I do not know. This thing does not. So if you release billions of data into the universe every second, how many negative thoughts would you release into the universe in one day? So one thing you need to keep in mind is that those are the things that come back into your life. Is attracted. The more you sow, the more you reap.

You know this is a country with a majority of Buddhists. A story told by many Buddhists is that this is my previous karma, and therefore something that happened.

OK you think so. Now if it's 6.00 pm, I'm releasing you into the universe at 06:00 pm right now. Called previous karma. But what you do not know is that what you had to face at 6.30 may be the result of what you previously thought and released into the universe.

Then we are not talking about the past. Got it? Then, even a second ago, this predicate is set.

 So the time to understand goes backwards. Our memories go back and forth. We keep our minds always ahead. Our hopes and aspirations. But do not forget that we live in a single moment .......

There is only one moment, real time. What this real time is is not the standard time in the world. This is the moment you live in. Then every moment of this moment is added to the past. But the problem is we are all, who are not in this moment. We are all with the future, or the past. We are always with this brain, with a very special broadcasting instance.

Then what do we broadcast,

turn on:

Sit for one hour a day and add these emotions that you think are right. Then you can come in one hour and see our future.

Do not give up once and try every day ......

Laugh ඉන්න Be happy The blessings of the universe are always with you

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