Most powerful manifest method

 _ Work from the bottom of your heart _

Your mind is a giant. Maybe he's still asleep. In countries like Sri Lanka, most giants die in their sleep.

You ask in your heart ...

What do I really want?

Take a piece of paper and write. But you can't write that, can you?

Mmmmmm ...


Mind: - I want a BMW 520 car ...

Devil: How can you earn Rs. 50,000 / = per month and even get a wheel on it?

Mind: - I want a nice three storey house.

The devil: ට්ටු Three floors? Build a house as small as you can ...

Mind: - I want to go to at least 5 countries.

Devil: - Please say hello this is a possible task ... if possible go to Dambadiva in the last days.


Who always wins? The fear inside you, no, no, poor, lazy, no time, is scary, isn't it?

How about beating him up a bit?

You have an account with 100 million.

Then write down what you want.

Now you know what you want.

So now write down the dates for getting those things. You still have Rs. 100 million in your account.

Right now all you have to do is assign this task to your mind step by step.

Wait a minute!


Make these numbers ...

What is your monthly income? ___ 50 000 / =

How many hours a day do you work? ________ is 8 hours.

How many days a month do you work? ____ 22 days.

So what's your hour worth?

                                                   = 50 000 (22 × 8)

                                                   = 50 000 176

                                                   = 284 / =

Is your hour not even worth Rs. 300 / =?

Even if you spend half an hour on a bus, you get at least 500 / =

Think about allowing the devil again!


Simply assign your goals to your subconscious.

A system like 55 × 5 is very good.

55 times a day, for 5 days write your only goal in a book. It should be written as a thank you for accomplishing that purpose.

Thanks to everyone who helped me buy a beautiful piece of land close to my town worth Rs 2 million for my business, to my customers who gave me money, to the universe and to nature.

Write like this.

This is done to gain a lot of attention, compulsion and strength for one's own mind.

Do not sleep at home for 3 months after writing this. Commit, work hard, you will find new ways than ever before. There will be times you can't even imagine. You will definitely achieve your goal.

This is not something that God does.

Take a magnet and attract all the iron around him. why is that ? Because he needs more iron than anything else in the environment ... you put two magnets together. Too much attraction.

You too become like a powerful magnet. You feel like you want that. You want it so much that your life is meaningless if your goal is not achieved. So you definitely get it.

Yes you can definitely go for your goals.

You will definitely win,

You are very strong,

You can win,

You win when you are born,

You are the one who is changing the world,

You are the one who fills your mom and dad's eyes with joy,

Your wife is the luckiest wife in the world, your children are the luckiest children in the world ..

I wish you the best of luck ... !!

You win

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