Are you believe in universal power?

 Are you believe in universal power? I also believe in the power of the subconscious. Also looking for the law of attraction. What do you expect from all this? That is the success of your life. Either you reach goals that others have not reached. Or, like everyone else, you reach those goals. What do you think? Do we as human beings want to achieve our goals and objectives in this way? Or should we be silent, realizing that none of this exists?

I was talking about two paths that can take our consciousness. One is the suppression of consciousness or recurrence. The other is the further accumulation or existence of consciousness in Sasara. If you think about both of these paths here, you will not be able to locate either of these paths. You must first select the one path you want. Everyone born into this universe has the right to choose the path they want.

According to Hindu scriptures they believe in a zodiac sign consisting of twelve zodiac signs. According to this zodiac sign, twelve extraordinary persons are born in this universe. Of these twelve, the path necessary for the existence of the universe is what many preach and guide for. Meanwhile, Gautama Siddhartha preaches a complete cessation. But this recurrence of the Siddharthas only happens when one is on a spiritual-transcendental path. Otherwise, when we travel on a worldly path, if we try to adapt what we call "Buddhism", we will unknowingly get into trouble. By this I do not mean that Buddhism does not preach anything for the success of worldly life. But Siddhartha descended not only for the people who lead a life of worldliness, but also for those who understand this worldliness and seek the way out of it.

That is why you often think that Buddhism is against the law of attraction. It's just a problem in your understanding. Apart from that Buddhism is not against the universal laws. And there is no law that says that everyone should leave the worldly path and follow the otherworldly path. It is up to you to choose the path you want. If everyone suppresses consciousness, how will the Buddhas descend in the future? There will be no annihilation of all these things here in the universe. So we do not need to think about it.

Most of the time what the so-called Sri Lankan Buddhists do is try to be secular. Trying to bond. When those bonds are broken by doing so, it is adapted to Buddhism. If you can not manage a bond then the problem is yours. At that time you can try using the other laws of the universe. Is what you are doing contrary to nature, the universe or Buddhism? Isn't it Decide for yourself. You have the right to choose the path you want.

Most of the time we do not know exactly what we should do. So you first ... take a deep breath and relax. Then relax your mind and think about which path you should take. Again? Existence? That. If we have failed in Sri Lanka for so long, we have failed because of these misunderstandings.

You have to think very carefully ... How many great human beings did we rise to in the past when there were so many Arahants? That is because we have a unique understanding of the universe. If you too want to get up, stop crying right now. Stop blaming others - other philosophies, the universe right now! Because everything exists in you.

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